Unexpected Error Quitting Windows 10

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 'unexpected error; quitting' Question asked by Brett Himeda on Oct 12, 2016 Latest reply on Oct 21, 2016 by Brett Himeda.

I started getting an error dialogue box that states 'Unexpected error; quitting'. It happens when I create a new study (right after the analysis type box closes), after I generate the mesh (the model disappears, then the error, then shows again as meshed), when I click Run Simulation, and then I get an 'Unable to start Autodesk Simulation 'Global Parameters' screen' error. Then, I get another 'Unexpected error; quitting'. Seems like that error occurs anytime the model will be displayed.The analysis runs, but still would like to fix this problem. HiI think I understand the general issue (the 'unexpected error' message occurs in multiple situations) even though I do not fully understand each of the situations (but I think it is okay that I do not understand the individuals situations).Those 3 or 4 situations occur when the software is trying to access the model.dbf (located in the folder 'modelname.dsdata#ds.mod', where # is the design scenario name).

So this implies that the software is having problems reading that location. If the model is stored on a network drive, try saving it to your local computer. If on your local computer, check for anything 'unusual' in the name of the model or any of the folders that the model is under. 'Unusual' could be a long name, something odd like double periods ('.' ) or double commas (','), foreign characters, and so on. You can also go into the ds.mod folder and try to create a text file. This would indicate if your computer (or your IT department) has locked you from creating things in the location where the model is stored.

Hi John If the problem occurs when starting a brand new model, then I would try the following:. Make sure you exit from Sim Mech. use Windows Explorer to view the installation folder (probably C:Program FilesAutodeskSimulation201Y).

Locate the file 'regall.bat'. Right-click the file and choose 'Run as Administrator'. A black command prompt window will appear. It will disappear after a minute or two (after it has registered all of the files). Right-click the shortcut used to start Sim Mech and choose 'Run as Administrator'.

Does the problem still occur?If the problem only occurs with some models, there might be something corrupt in the model. If you can zip the.FEM file and the.dsdata folder and attach that file, someone can take a look and see if the problem can be located. (You may be able to create an archive of the model from within Sim Mech which would create a smaller zip file than manually zipping it.). I tried to locate regall.bat.

I can't find it. I did a search, and the search resulted in nothing as well.I get that error (see attached pics) when I:. Open a file. It happens with all files, so it likely isn't a problem with the file itself. Choose mesh. Pubcoder 3 beta for mac. Try to modify the analysis parameters.

Choose runI also am unable to open the analysis parameters screen and edit the analysis parameters. When I try to, I get that same 'Unexpected error; quitting' screen, I close that window, and another pop-up appears that says 'Unable to start Autodesk Simulation Global parameters screen'. I'm now doing an analysis of an assembly with contact surfaces, and it isn't producing stress results. I'd like to look at the analysis parameters to see what needs to be changed so I can get those results.


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